The Cartoon Express, originally launched in 2010, is the brainchild of illustrator/designer Andre Adams. After years of illustrating watching his collection of spot art mount, Andre decided to consolidate them all and create a library of his work, available to anyone in need of quality cartoon art at ridiculously reasonable prices! Therefore, an e-commerce site featuring a catalog of his illustrations seemed to be the best way to market his services.
Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1974, Andre's talent for creating artwork became apparent very early on, as one of his crowning achievements included winning first place in the United States in a drawing contest for Cricket magazine, in 1981 (beating out many kids older than him). This event pretty much left no doubt for Andre as to what he wanted to be when he grew up. This passion transgressed throughout his childhood and early adult life, as Andre would often succumb to the temptations of doodling in class, missing out on practical matters, such as the quadratic equation.
In 1992 Andre headed west to California where he attended art school in Los Angeles & received his Bachelor's in 1996, with an emphasis in illustration. Following his school years he began freelancing for newspapers, magazines, greeting card companies, ad agencies, local art directors and companies worldwide, taking on a wide range of projects, from children's picture books & gag cartoons to caricatures & logos. He would vary between using traditional pen & ink media to digital media (Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, etc). An active member of the artists' community, he joined the AIGA & National Cartoonist's Society, and he attends Comicon in San Diego & various animation festivals.